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7 Ways To Fight Off The Charm Of A Border Collie


1-Don’t make eye contact.

Resist the draw to look into them. Just one glance, and you’ll be hypnotized into bringing home one – or two, or ten– of your own. If you ever see a Border Collie walking down the street, it’s best to shield your eyes, or, better yet, cross the street to avoid encountering them. Because you know you won’t be able to resist.

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2-Don’t let that bark fool you.

They’re loyal to their family and bark every
time a guest comes to the front door, yet they’ll lure you in with that
sweet face and become your best friend. Just say, “no.”

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3-Don’t let that marshmallow-face con you out of your snack.

Don’t let that marshmallow-face con you out of your snack.
No matter what you do, no matter how much they beg, do not let
this deceptively snuggly dog hop into bed with you at night.
One moment, they’re graciously settling down at the foot of the bed, and thenext, they’re hogging the pillows, giving you no room on either side ofthem to lie down. If you allow more than one Border Collie to infest your bed,good luck – you’ll be swerving around like a Tetris piece all night,just trying not to get in their way.

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4-Never take a Border Collie for a walk.

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Oh, you wanted to follow the footpath in the park? A Border Collie has other plans, leading you on a scenic adventure to the nearest squirrel nest.

5-Don’t buy a Border Collie new toys.

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Your dog will not appreciate your gifts, and will tear them apart as soon as you get home.

6-Never give a Border Collie a bath.

They’ll show their appreciation by rolling around in fox turds outside soon after.

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7-Don’t give a Dandie your heart.

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If you choose to kindly offer a Border Collie a piece of your
heart, even after you’ve received all of these warnings, do not be
surprised if they never, ever give it back.
A Border Collie will hold onto your heart for the rest of their life, and will never let go of it, even after they pass on.