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9 Rules Brussels Griffons For You


1.  The Brussels Griffon is not allowed in the house.

Griffy in PJ's - too cute!

2. Okay, the Brussels Griffon is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

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3. Fine, the Brussels Griffon is allowed on all furniture, but is NOT allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.

Imagen relacionada

4. All right, the Brussels Griffon is allowed on the bed, but ONLY by invitation.

Billie the Brussels Griffon

5. The Brussels Griffon can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but NOT under the covers.

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6. The Brussels Griffon can sleep under the covers every night.

The best snuggler on the planet!!!

7. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the
Brussels Griffon.

Koba the Brussels Griffon Pictures 1026760

8. Bathroom time is together time. 

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9. Leave one pair of stinky shoes out per day for me to chew on. Stinsocks, toys and underwear will do, too.

As you can see, Alo has some big shoes to fill… | Meet Alo, The Griffon Pup Out To Steal Your Heart