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9 Signs That Bichon dog Is Your Soulmate

1. Not only does your Bichon sleep in your bed with you…

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2. You do whatever you can to make your  Bichon comfortable.

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3. Great effort is placed on making sure your  Bichon does not feel left out.

4. You’ve canceled plans with your friends to teach your  Bichon cool tricks

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5. Even when you’re exhausted… you’ll always throw it for your  Bichon…one two three more times.

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and we have another photo…

Resultado de imagen para 犬 bichon ベッド

6. You put your  Bichon face, permanently on your body.

Resultado de imagen para 犬 bichon 入れ墨

7. Once you started and got one Bichon, you couldn’t stop.

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8. You allow your Bichon to entertain the idea of “human-life”.

Image result for 犬 bichon 可愛らしい

9. When your Bichon  gives you this face, you’ll automatically do whatever it is you think he’s telepathically asking you to.

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So cute!

Resultado de imagen para 犬 bichon ベッド