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12 Reasons Why Vizslas Should Be Illegal

We’ve got 12 reasons Why Vizslas Should Be Illegal:

1. They make the cutest puppies.

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2. Especially when they sit in that adorable position…

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3. Two o more Vizslas  together is the stuff of dreams.

Resultado de imagen para vizslas sit pup

4. And when they grow up, they get even better.

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5. They love dressing up for an occasion, and look very dapper when they do.

Resultado de imagen para vizslas pup

6. Oh yeah, they know just how to work the camera.

Resultado de imagen para vizslas sit pup


7. They will not be defeated by the weather, they love the outdoors.

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8. Especially running through the leaves in the autumn.

Resultado de imagen para vizslas autumn

9. And they love making you laugh.

Resultado de imagen para vizslas fun

10. So it’s impossible to ever leave them behind…

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11. I mean, just look at that face!

Resultado de imagen para vizslas cute

12. Bath time with these guys is the best.

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